The Simple Joys
of Summer
by Marjana | Bite-sized Inspiration | July 2023
I came across these beautiful hydrangeas on my way to the supermarket recently. I’ve been past the plant plenty of times before, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it in bloom. (I hadn’t even realised that it was a hydrangea plant, and had no idea that it bloomed so beautifully in the summer.)

I always feel like it’s a treat when I discover something beautiful or surprising in the middle of a regular, day-to-day activity. There’s something about coming across something unexpectedly that makes it feel more special. Can you think of something you’ve discovered that way?
One of the best things about summer for me is seeing plants and flowers in full bloom, so stumbling on something beautiful always brightens up my day. Now that I know the hydrangea plant is there, I’ll know to look out for it again next summer!
– What’s something you love about summer that you’d like to appreciate today?
– And what would you like to make more time to enjoy this summer as we move towards August?
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